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2019 Show Results

Boston  - January 4th - Mrs Penny Williams (Bournehouse) Results

Best Dog - Ir Sh Ch VDH Ch Braccorions Juno What At Kelevra - Mr Pearson & Ms Dodds

Res Best Dog - Owlspoint Master of Trouble Sh CM - Mrs Bell & Miss Maddox

Best Bitch - Braccibrook's Wild One - Mr, Mrs & Miss Carr

Res Best Bitch - Braccorion Carma's Coming - Miss Towns

Best Of Breed - Braccibrook's Wild One - Mr, Mrs & Miss Carr

Best Puppy - Braccorions Meant To Be With Piccorino - Mrs Rose

Best Special Beginner & Sp Beg Group 4 - Braccorions Meant To Be With Piccorino - Mrs Rose


Manchester (CC's) - January 19th - Miss Becky Johnson (Downstream) Results

Dog CC- Owlspoint King Of Trouble At Brackenvale JW Sh CM - Mr & Mrs Goode

Res Dog CC - Owlspoint Master of Trouble Sh CM - Mrs Bell & Miss Maddox

Bitch CC - Ir Sh Ch Laumidorn Rachel Carson Sh CM - Mr, Mrs & Miss Carr

Res Bitch CC- Braccibrook's Wild One - Mr, Mrs & Miss Carr

Best Of Breed - Owlspoint King Of Trouble At Brackenvale JW Sh CM - Mr & Mrs Goode

Best Puppy - Owlspoint Faith In Trouble - Mr & Mrs Whitney

Best Veteran - Ir Sh Ch Laumidorn Rachel Carson Sh CM - Mr, Mrs & Miss Carr


Bracco Italiano Club (Limit Show) - February 10th - Mrs Jean Byrne (Enryb)

Best In Show - Braccanza Fabrizio - Mr & Mrs Turney

Res Best In Show - Owlspoint Trouble Shooter For Bartholeys- Mrs Bartholemew

Best Puppy In Show - Braccorions Never Say Never - Mrs Critchley

Best Veteran In Show- Braccanza Fabrizio - Mr & Mrs Turney


Crufts (CC's) March 7th - Mrs Patsy Hollings (Gunalt) Results

Dog CC- Rakis Place Hian Kiss The Future -Mr & Mrs Colaco

Res Dog CC - Lexus Z Pogonsiego Wzgorza By Gunsyn - Mrs Bowley

Bitch CC - Sh Ch Gunsyn Aafia - Mrs Bowley

Res Bitch CC- Dk Ch Nu Ch Inspirations La Dolce Vita - Mr Nilsson

Best Of Breed - Sh Ch Gunsyn Aafia - Mrs Bowley

Best Puppy - Tyrbechgyn Just Jacob - Mrs Whittaker

Best Veteran - Zara Di Natale From Magnificos Kingdom - Miss Dunaeva


BIS Championship Show (CC's)  - March 24th - Mr John Abraham (Ardenstorm)

Special Awards classes Dr R Roden Results Critique

Dog CC- Owlspoint Master of Trouble Sh CM - Mrs Bell & Miss Maddox

Res Dog CC - Fancygun Luke Sywalker of Valcor - Mr & Mrs Cottterell

Bitch CC - Braccorion Carma's Coming - Miss Towns

Res Bitch CC - Braccorions Livin It Up At Sparkenhoe - Mrs Angus

Best In Show - Owlspoint Master of Trouble Sh CM - Mrs Bell & Miss Maddox

Reserve Best In Show - Fancygun Luke Sywalker of Valcor - Mr & Mrs Cottterell

Best Opposite Sex- Braccorion Carma's Coming - Miss Towns

Best Puppy In Show - Braccorions Nesta Vipas - Mr & Mrs Pearson

Reserve Best Puppy In Show - Owlspoint Trouble Again - Mr & Mrs Sanderson

Best Veteran In Show - Mashefoldes SaliceDel Valcor - Mr & Mrs Cotterell

Reserve Best Veteran In Show - Mashefoldes Pioppo - Mr & Mrs Titchmarsh


WELKS - April 26th - Mrs Kathy Gorman (Walgoreg) Results

Best Dog - Ooh La la Du Clos Des Petites Vignes - Miss Towns

Res Best Dog - Ir Sh Ch VDH Ch Braccorions Juno What At Kelevra - Mr Pearson & Ms Dodds

Best Bitch - Braccorion Carma's Coming - Miss Towns

Res Best Bitch - You Can Stay For The Night With Danton - Mr Scourfield & Mr Kantor

Best Of Breed - Ooh La la Du Clos Des Petites Vignes - Miss Towns

Best Puppy - Ooh La la Du Clos Des Petites Vignes - Miss Towns

Best Special Beginner & Sp Beg Group 1 - Braccorions Meant To Be With Piccorino - Mrs Rose


Birmingham National (CC's)  - May 12th - Mr Hans Erhard Gruttner (Von Der Emsmuhle) Results

Dog CC- Owlspoint Master of Trouble Sh CM - Mrs Bell & Miss Maddox

Res Dog CC - Zakro Vito - Mrs Adamo

Bitch CC - Braccorion Carma's Coming - Miss Towns

Res Bitch CC - Dora of Bushwacker - Ms Frost & Ms Frost

Best Of Breed - Braccorion Carma's Coming - Miss Towns

Best Puppy - Braccorions Nesta Vipas - Mr & Mrs Pearson

Best Veteran - Mashefoldes Salice Del Valcor - Mr & Mrs Cotterell

Best Special Beginner Sp Beg Group 2 - Tyrbechgyn Believe You Will At Canemamans - Mr Sladden


SKC (CC's) - May 17th - Mrs Jacqui Ward (Mianja) Results

Dog CC- Gunsyn Tusk - Mrs Jackson

Res Dog CC - Lexus Z Pogonsiego Wzgorza By Gunsyn - Mrs Bowley

Bitch CC - Ir & Int Sh Ch Gunsyn Setso Elemento With Brackenmist JW Sh CM - Ms McAndrew

Res Bitch CC - Dora of Bushwacker - Ms Frost & Ms Frost

Best Of Breed - Ir & Int Sh Ch Gunsyn Setso Elemento With Brackenmist JW Sh CM - Ms McAndrew

Best Puppy & Puppy Group 2 - Braccorions Nesta Vipas - Mr & Mrs Pearson

Best Special Beginner & Sp Beg Group 1 - Tyrbechgyn Believe You Will At Canemamans - Mr Sladden


Bath  (CC's) - May 24th - Mrs Carolyn Fry (Bedeslea) Results

Dog CC- It Ch Polcevera's Annibale - Mr Nencini

Res Dog CC - Sh Ch Owlspoint King Of Trouble At Brackenvale JW Sh CM Sh CEx - Mr & Mrs Goode

Bitch CC - Ir & Int Sh Ch Gunsyn Setso Elemento With Brackenmist JW Sh CM - Ms McAndrew

Res Bitch CC - Dora of Bushwacker - Ms Frost & Ms Frost

Best Of Breed - Ir & Int Sh Ch Gunsyn Setso Elemento With Brackenmist JW Sh CM - Ms McAndrew

Best Puppy - Owlspoint Trouble Again - Mr & Mrs Sanderson

Best Special Beginner - Tyrbechgyn Legolas - Mrs Kestin


Southern Counties - June 2nd - Mr Francesco Cochetti (Di San Gimignano) Results

Best Dog - Ir Sh Ch VDH Ch Braccorions Juno What At Kelevra - Mr Pearson & Ms Dodds

Res Best Dog - It Ch Polcevera's Annibale - Mr Nencini

Best Bitch - Braccorion's I Put A Spell On Alcazar - Mrs Burke

Res Best Bitch - Braccibrook's Wild One - Mr, Mrs & Miss Carr

Best Of Breed - Braccorion's I Put A Spell On Alcazar - Mrs Burke

Best Puppy - Braccorions Nesta Vipas - Mr & Mrs Pearson

Best Junior & Junior Group 3 - Owlspoint Angel Of Trouble - Mr & Mrs Harrison

Best Veteran - Ir Sh Ch Laumidorn Rachel Carson Sh CM - Mr, Mrs & Miss Carr

Best Special Beginner - Braccorions Meant To Be With Piccorino - Mrs Rose


Three Counties - June 9th - Mr David Griffiths (Amicizia) Results

Best Dog - Sh Ch Owlspoint King Of Trouble At Brackenvale JW Sh CM Sh CEx - Mr & Mrs Goode

Res Best Dog - Owlspoint Trouble Again - Mr & Mrs Sanderson

Best Bitch - Madreliath's Omaggio - Mrs Powell

Res Best Bitch -Braccorions Livin It Up At Sparkenhoe - Mrs Angus

Best Of Breed - Madreliath's Omaggio - Mrs Powell

Best Puppy - Braccorions Never Say Never - Mrs Critchley


Border Union - June 15th - AVNSC Mr Simon Parsons Results

Res Best Dog - Ir Sh Ch VDH Ch Braccorions Juno What At Kelevra - Mr Pearson & Ms Dodds

Res Best Bitch -Braccorions Nesta Vipas - Mr & Mrs Pearson


Blackpool  - June 22nd- Ms Emma Towns (Braccorion) Results

Best Dog - It Ch Polcevera's Annibale - Mr Nencini

Res Best Dog - Purdex's Khal Drogo - Miss Palomba

Best Bitch - Dora of Bushwacker - Ms Frost & Ms Frost

Res Best Bitch - Polcevera's Evangelina - Mrs Jackson

Best Of Breed - Dora of Bushwacker - Ms Frost & Ms Frost

Best Puppy - Elettra Dell' Oltresavio Of Amestorah - Ms Hamlyn, Ms Frost & Ms Frost

Best Junior - Purdex's Khal Drogo - Miss Palomba


Windsor (CC's) - June 29th- Mr Keith Young (Pyngold) Results

Dog CC- Tyrbechgyn Believe You Will At Canemamans - Mr Sladden

Res Dog CC - Ir Sh Ch VDH Ch Braccorions Juno What At Kelevra - Mr Pearson & Ms Dodds

Bitch CC - Braccorions Nesta Vipas - Mr & Mrs Pearson

Res Bitch CC- Braccorion Carma's Coming - Miss Towns

Best Of Breed - Tyrbechgyn Believe You Will At Canemamans - Mr Sladden

Best Puppy - Braccorions Quick To Judge - Mrs Cotton

Best Veteran - Ir Sh Ch Laumidorn Rachel Carson Sh CM - Mr, Mrs & Miss Carr


East of England - July 7th - Mr Ashley Reid (Aryed/Khanrae) (Australia) Results

Best Dog - Sh Ch Owlspoint King Of Trouble At Brackenvale JW Sh CM Sh CEx - Mr & Mrs Goode

Res Best Dog -Ir Sh Ch VDH Ch Braccorions Juno What At Kelevra - Mr Pearson & Ms Dodds

Best Bitch - Dora of Bushwacker - Ms Frost & Ms Frost

Res Best Bitch - Ir Sh Ch Laumidorn Rachel Carson Sh CM - Mr, Mrs & Miss Carr

Best Of Breed - Dora of Bushwacker - Ms Frost & Ms Frost

Best Puppy - Fancygun Dancing Queen - Ms Hudson-Smith & Mrs Cotterell

Best Veteran - Ir Sh Ch Laumidorn Rachel Carson Sh CM - Mr, Mrs & Miss Carr


Leeds (CC's) - July 28th - Mrs Lynne Bowley (Gunsyn) Results

Dog CC- Fancygun Luke Sywalker of Valcor - Mr & Mrs Cottterell

Res Dog CC - Ooh La la Du Clos Des Petites Vignes - Miss Towns

Bitch CC - Dora of Bushwacker - Ms Frost & Ms Frost

Res Bitch CC- Fancygun Fire Your Guns For Valcor - Mrs Cotterell & MS Hudson-Smith

Best Of Breed - Dora of Bushwacker - Ms Frost & Ms Frost

Best Puppy - Fancygun Dancing Queen - Ms Hudson-Smith & Mrs Cotterell

Best Veteran - Ir Sh Ch Laumidorn Rachel Carson Sh CM - Mr, Mrs & Miss Carr


Paignton - August 3rd - Mr Andy Scourfield (Danton) Results

Best Dog - Tyrbechgyn Believe You Will At Canemamans - Mr Sladden

Res Best Dog - Gunsyn Tusk - Mrs Jackson

Best Bitch - Braccorions Never Say Never - Mrs Critchley

Res Best Bitch - Braccorions Livin It Up At Sparkenhoe - Mrs Angus

Best Of Breed - Braccorions Never Say Never - Mrs Critchley

Best Puppy - Quajalosh Fia - Mrs Jenkins


National Gundog (CC's)- August 4th - Mrs Barbara Abbishaw (Hastabbi) Results

Dog CC- Fancygun Luke Sywalker of Valcor - Mr & Mrs Cottterell

Res Dog CC - Ooh La la Du Clos Des Petites Vignes - Miss Towns

Bitch CC - Braccorions Nesta Vipas - Mr & Mrs Pearson

Res Bitch CC- Ir Sh Ch Laumidorn Rachel Carson Sh CM - Mr, Mrs & Miss Carr

Best Of Breed - Fancygun Luke Sywalker of Valcor - Mr & Mrs Cottterell

Best Puppy - Braccorions Quick To Judge - Mrs Cotton

Best Veteran - Ir Sh Ch Laumidorn Rachel Carson Sh CM - Mr, Mrs & Miss Carr

Best Special Beginner & Group 4 - Owlspoint Faith In Trouble - Mr & Mrs Whitney


Bournemouth - August 11th - Mrs Chris Northam Results

Best Dog - It Ch Polcevera's Annibale - Mr Nencini

Res Best Dog - Jack Di Montericco - Mr & Mrs Sellwood

Best Bitch - Madreliath's Omaggio - Mrs Powell

Res Best Bitch - Owlspoint Heavenly Trouble - Miss Bell & Miss Maddox

Best Of Breed - Madreliath's Omaggio - Mrs Powell

Best Puppy - Braccorions Quick To Judge - Mrs Cotton


Welsh Kennel Club (CC's)- August 18th - Mr John Thirlwell (Ferndel) Results

Dog CC- Gunsyn Tusk - Mrs Jackson

Res Dog CC - Ooh La la Du Clos Des Petites Vignes - Miss Towns

Bitch CC - Dora of Bushwacker - Ms Frost & Ms Frost

Res Bitch CC - Gunsyn Everywhere - Mrs Bowley

Best Of Breed - Dora of Bushwacker - Ms Frost & Ms Frost

Best Puppy - Fancygun Dancing Queen - Ms Hudson-Smith & Mrs Cotterell


Scottish Kennel Club - August 25th - Mrs Hilary Male (Malenbrook) Results

Best Dog - Ivan Venator D'Ursus Of Elfindrew - Mrs Hayes & Mrs Hayes

Res Best Dog - Braccorions Quite The Catch - Mr Lake & Mrs Struthers-Lake

Best Bitch - Elfindrew April Huntress - Mr Lake & Mrs Struthers-Lake

Best Of Breed - Elfindrew April Huntress - Mr Lake & Mrs Struthers-Lake

Best Puppy - Ivan Venator D'Ursus Of Elfindrew - Mrs Hayes & Mrs Hayes

Best Special Beginner & Group 2- Elfindrew April Huntress - Mr Lake & Mrs Struthers-Lake


BIS Open Show - 1st September - Mr Karl O'Connor (Karlejay) Results

Best Dog- Ir Sh Ch VDH Ch Braccorions Juno What At Kelevra - Mr Pearson & Ms Dodds

Res Best Dog - Owlspoint Trouble At Mill Sh CM Sh CEx - Mr & Mrs Sanderson

Best Bitch - Ir Sh Ch Laumidorn Rachel Carson Sh CM - Mr, Mrs & Miss Carr

Res Best Bitch - Valcor Princess Padme - Dr Roden

Best In Show - Ir Sh Ch Laumidorn Rachel Carson Sh CM - Mr, Mrs & Miss Carr

Reserve Best In Show - Ir Sh Ch VDH Ch Braccorions Juno What At Kelevra - Mr Pearson & Ms Dodds

Best Opposite Sex- Ir Sh Ch VDH Ch Braccorions Juno What At Kelevra - Mr Pearson & Ms Dodds

Best Puppy In Show - Ivan Venator D'Ursus Of Elfindrew - Mrs Hayes & Mrs Hayes

Reserve Best Puppy In Show - Fancygun I Have A Dream - Ms Hudson-Smith & Mrs Cotterell

Best Veteran In Show - Ir Sh Ch Laumidorn Rachel Carson Sh CM - Mr, Mrs & Miss Carr

Reserve Best Veteran In Show - Laumidorn Dmitri Mendeleev = Mr, Mrs & Miss Carr


City of Birmingham  - 1st September - Mrs Di Arrowsmith (Fleetapple) Results

Best Dog - Owlspoint Trouble At Mill Sh CM Sh CEx - Mr & Mrs Sanderson

Res Best Dog - Sh Ch Owlspoint King Of Trouble At Brackenvale JW Sh CM Sh CEx - Mr & Mrs Goode

Best Bitch - Braccorions Nesta Vipas - Mr & Mrs Pearson

Res Best Bitch - Braccorions Livin It Up At Sparkenhoe - Mrs Angus

Best Of Breed - Owlspoint Trouble At Mill Sh CM Sh CEx - Mr & Mrs Sanderson

Best Puppy - Braccorions Quick Look - Miss Longman

Best Veteran - Ir Sh Ch Laumidorn Rachel Carson Sh CM - Mr, Mrs & Miss Carr


Richmond - September 8th - Mrs Carol Sellwood Results

Best Dog - Grafskoe Gnezdo Arlo - Miss Beecham

Res Best Dog -Tyrbechgyn Believe You Will At Canemamans - Mr Sladden

Best Bitch - Madreliath's Omaggio - Mrs Powell

Res Best Bitch - Owlspoint Angel Of Trouble - Mr & Mrs Harrison

Best Of Breed - Madreliath's Omaggio - Mrs Powell

Best Puppy - Kenaiteen Orange Zest - Mr Moore

Best Special Beginner & Group 1 - Polcevera's Visconti - Mr Gourdin


Darlington (CC's) - September 15th - Mr Moray Armstrong (Bitcon) Results

Dog CC- Gunsyn Tusk - Mrs Jackson

Res Dog CC - Ir Sh Ch VDH Ch Braccorions Juno What At Kelevra - Mr Pearson & Ms Dodds

Bitch CC - Dora of Bushwacker - Ms Frost & Ms Frost

Res Bitch CC - You Can Stay The Night - Mr Scourfield & Mr Kantor

Best Of Breed - Dora of Bushwacker - Ms Frost & Ms Frost

Best Puppy - Ivan Venator D'Ursus Of Elfindrew - Mrs Hayes & Mrs Hayes

Best Veteran - Ir Sh Ch Laumidorn Rachel Carson Sh CM - Mr, Mrs & Miss Carr


Driffield - September 20th - Mr Ger Philpott (Caspar) Results

Best Dog - Owlspoint Trouble At Mill Sh CM Sh CEx - Mr & Mrs Sanderson

Res Best Dog -Braccorions Quick Look - Miss Longman

Best Bitch - Braccorions Nesta Vipas - Mr Pearson & Ms Dodds

Res Best Bitch -Owlspoint Faith In Trouble - Mr & Mrs Whitney

Best Of Breed - Owlspoint Trouble At Mill Sh CM Sh CEx - Mr & Mrs Sanderson

Best Puppy - Braccorions Quick Look - Miss Longman

Best Special Beginner & Group 4 - Owlspoint Faith In Trouble - Mr & Mrs Whitney


Belfast - September 28th - Mr Frank Borg (Framod) (Malta) Results

Best Dog - Int Sh Ch Ir Sh Ch Primo Petruccio- Mr & Mrs Cooper

Res Best Dog - You Can Wear The Crown - Miss Bernath

Best Bitch - Elfindrew April Huntress - Mr Lake & Mrs Struthers-Lake

Best Of Breed - Elfindrew April Huntress - Mr Lake & Mrs Struthers-Lake


Bracco Italiano Club (Limit Show) - September 29th - Mr Geoff Hargreaves

Best Dog - Millpoint Double Trouble At Owlspoint Sh CM - Ms Bell

Reserve Best Dog - Tolriver Enzo At Owlspoint - Ms Bell & Ms Maddox

Best Bitch - Owlspoint Angel Of Trouble - Mr & Mrs Harrison

Reserve Best Bitch - Braccorions Livin It Up At Sparkenhoe - Mrs Angus

Best In Show - Millpoint Double Trouble At Owlspoint Sh CM - Ms Bell

Best Puppy In Show -Tolriver Enzo At Owlspoint - Ms Bell & Ms Maddox

Best Veteran In Show -Millpoint Double Trouble At Owlspoint Sh CM - Ms Bell


South Wales - October 11th - Mrs Sue Parr (Pruso) Results

Best Dog - Sh Ch Owlspoint Master of Trouble Sh CM - Mrs Bell & Miss Maddox

Res Best Dog - Celso Di Witigenove - Miss Derrett

Best Bitch - Sh Ch Dora of Bushwacker - Ms Frost & Ms Frost

Res Best Bitch -Owlspoint Faith In Trouble - Mr & Mrs Whitney

Best Of Breed - Sh Ch Dora of Bushwacker - Ms Frost & Ms Frost

Best Puppy -Tolriver Enzo At Owlspoint - Ms Bell & Ms Maddox


Gundog Society of Wales - October 16th - Mrs Viv Burke (Alcazer) Results

South Wales - October 11th - Mrs Sue Parr (Pruso) Results

Best Dog - Sh Ch Owlspoint King Of Trouble At Brackenvale JW Sh CM Sh CEx - Mr & Mrs Goode

Res Best Dog - Tolriver Enzo At Owlspoint - Ms Bell & Ms Maddox

Best Bitch - Owlspoint Faith In Trouble - Mr & Mrs Whitney

Res Best Bitch -Braccorions Livin It Up At Sparkenhoe - Mrs Angus

Best Of Breed - Sh Ch Owlspoint King Of Trouble At Brackenvale JW Sh CM Sh CEx - Mr & Mrs Goode

Best Puppy -Tolriver Enzo At Owlspoint - Ms Bell & Ms Maddox


Midland Counties - October 25th - Mrs Philippa Cotterell (Valcor) Results

Best Dog - Harvidene Sandpiper - Ms Cudlip

Res Best Dog - Zakro Vito - Mrs Adamo

Best Bitch - Sh Ch Dora of Bushwacker - Ms Frost & Ms Frost

Res Best Bitch - Harvidene Nightingale - Ms Cudlip

Best Of Breed - Sh Ch Dora of Bushwacker - Ms Frost & Ms Frost

Best Puppy - Harvidene Sandpiper - Ms Cudlip


GBAS - November 9th - Mr Rui Oliveira (Portugal) Results

Best Dog - Ir Sh Ch VDH Ch Braccorions Juno What At Kelevra - Mr Pearson & Ms Dodds

Res Best Dog - Ivan Venator D'Ursus Of Elfindrew - Mrs Hayes & Mrs Hayes

Best Bitch - Braccorions Nesta Vipas - Mr Pearson & Ms Dodds

Res Best Bitch - Sh Ch Dora of Bushwacker - Ms Frost & Ms Frost

Best Of Breed - Ir Sh Ch VDH Ch Braccorions Juno What At Kelevra - Mr Pearson & Ms Dodds

Best Puppy - Tolriver Enzo At Owlspoint - Ms Bell & Ms Maddox


LKA (CC's) - December 14th - Mrs Mechelle Jacques (Curlabull) Results

Dog CC- Purdex's Khal Drogo - Miss Palomba

Res Dog CC - Lexus Z Pogonsiego Wzgorza By Gunsyn - Mrs Bowley

Bitch CC - Gunsyn Everywhere - Mrs Bowley

Res Bitch CC - Tyrbechgyn Tiger Lilly For Jakobstown - Mr & Mrs Hartley

Best Of Breed - Purdex's Khal Drogo - Miss Palomba

Best Puppy - Tyrbechgyn My Milano - Mr & Mrs Whittaker

Best Veteran - Braccorion's Bernardo Of Bushwacker - Ms Frost

Bracco Italiano Society

Latest Update 14/01/2025​


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